Room 214 Horton Hall, 18 University Avenue, Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6, Canada.


(1) 902 585 1914




Ms Theresa Starratt, Graduate Studies Officer-Research and Graduate Studies

Acadia University is an institution that is committed to providing a liberal education based on the highest standards. The University houses a scholarly community that aims to ensure a broadening life experience for students, faculty and staff.

Acadia Graduate Scholarship / Acadia Graduate Teaching Assistantships

Purpose: To financially support students

Eligibility: Open to registered full-time graduate students at Acadia University. In order to be eligible for an award, students must have a GPA of not less than 3.0 in their major field in each of their last 2 years of undergraduate study

Level of Study: Postgraduate

Type: Award

Value: Canadian Dollars. Value can vary

Length of Study: 1–2 years

Frequency: Annual

Study Establishment: The Division of Research and Graduate Studies at Acadia University

Country of Study: Canada

Application Procedure: Applicants must write for details. In almost all cases, to be automatically considered for funding, applicants need to apply by 1 February of each year

Funding: Private

Additional Information: Recipients of an Acadia Graduate Teaching Assistantship should expect to undertake certain duties during the academic year (up to 10 hours per week and a maximum of 120 hours per semester) as a condition of tenure