In the process of rural development and transformation, globally, the share of agricultural employment has declined from 44% in 1991 to 28% in 2018, but still accounting to 63% in low-income countries, in 2018, only 8% less since 1991 (World Bank 2019e). Women comprise about 66% and 2% of the agricultural labour force in low-income and high-income countries, respectively (World Bank 2019h). Among the factors significanty affecting quantity of women and men employed in agriculture, as well as types of their roles are a socioeconomic and political situation in a country, coutry’s geographical location, and culture and...
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Kovaleva, M. (2021). Feminization of Agriculture and Its Impact on Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho, W., Marisa Azul, A., Brandli, L., Lange Salvia, A., Wall, T. (eds) Gender Equality. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.
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