
Absence seizure; Petit mal epilepsy


A petit mal seizure is the lay term for an absence seizure. It is called “petit mal” (“small illness” in French) to distinguish it from a grand mal (“big illness” in French) generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The term “petit mal” is actually a misnomer because absence seizures can occur with other seizure types in more debilitating disorders (e.g., Lennox-Gastaut syndrome). To further complicate classification, many patients will use the term “petit mal” when describing complex or simple partial seizures (focal seizures with or without retained awareness/responsiveness),Footnote 1 myoclonic seizures, or other seizure types that are not as dramatic as the generalized tonic-clonic seizure that the public usually pictures as a seizure. It is more accurate to use the term to avoid ambiguity.

Current Knowledge

See chapter “Absence Seizure.”
