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Democracy and Rule of Law

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Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism


Democracy and Rule of Law should be understood as open, procedural, unfinished, and perfectible social realities that require permanent citizen action for its execution. This entry examines the concept of the Rule of Law, from its origins and development throughout history, its liberal and democratic fundamentals, the relationship between Law and the Rule of Law and Constitutions, and the formal, procedural, and material requirements for the Rule of Law, and explains how the Rule of Law and democracy can be a source of security for citizens. The democratic State under the Rule of Law offers a broad framework for reforming existing institutions and for finding legitimate social projects that rest upon those essential values that are worthy of protection.

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Hermida del Llano, C. (2023). Democracy and Rule of Law. In: Cremades, J., Hermida, C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism. Springer, Cham.

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