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Pre-supernova Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars and Their Stellar Wind Contribution

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Handbook of Supernovae


In this chapter, we review the modelling and pre-supernova evolution of massive stars with a particular emphasis on the effects of rotation and mass loss. We then present the stellar wind contribution to nucleosynthesis and the production of weak s-process at various metallicities (Z). We also review the transition between intermediate-mass and massive stars and the major nuclear and stellar uncertainties involved. Rotation and mass loss both have a strong impact on the evolution and nucleosynthesis in massive stars. The effects of rotation on pre-supernova models are most spectacular for stars between 15 and 25 M . For M > 30M , mass loss dominates over the effects of rotation. Massive stars near solar metallicity lose more than half their initial mass for stars more massive than 20 M . The stellar wind contribution to nucleosynthesis consists mostly of hydrogen-burning products and to a smaller extent helium-burning products since mass loss is generally small during the advanced phases.

At low and very low Z, one expects mass loss and the production of secondary elements like 14N to decrease and gradually become negligible. Rotation changes this picture. For the most massive stars (\(M\gtrsim 60\,M_{\odot }\)), primary production of CNO elements raises the overall metallicity of the surface drastically, and significant mass loss may occur during the red supergiant stage. The production of primary 14N and also 22Ne in rotating massive stars at low Z opens the door to produce s-process elements at low Z. The strong dependence of the production of the barium peak on metallicity and initial rotation rate means that rotating models provide a natural explanation for the observed scatter in the strontium over barium ratio ([Sr/Ba]) at low metallicities.

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The author thanks his collaborators at the University of Geneva (G. Meynet, A. Maeder, Sylvia Ekström, and C. Georgy), Basel (U. Frischknecht, F.-K. Thielemann, T. Rauscher), and Hull (M. Pignatari) for their significant contributions to the results presented in this chapter. R. Hirschi acknowledges support from the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI Initiative), MEXT, Japan, and from the Eurogenesis EUROCORE program. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 306901. This article is based upon work from the “ChETEC” COST Action (CA16117), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

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Hirschi, R. (2017). Pre-supernova Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in Massive Stars and Their Stellar Wind Contribution. In: Alsabti, A., Murdin, P. (eds) Handbook of Supernovae. Springer, Cham.

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