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Orofacial Malformations

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Orofacial malformations encompass several different syndromes. Congenital anomalies can occur in up to 15 % of newborn, and many of these involve the oral, craniofacial, and dental region. Finding of a single craniofacial anomaly at birth may alert to the presence of a complex syndrome. The majority of these syndromes present a frequency ranging from between one in 5600 and one in 100,000. Many attempts of systematic classification were suggested, but none is still universally accepted. The comprehensive management of orofacial syndromes required a staged multidisciplinary approach in dedicated centers with dedicated resources, high patient volume, and strong interest in improving the lives of these complex and challenging patients.

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Iannetti, G., Fadda, M.T., Della Monaca, M., Bosco, G. (2016). Orofacial Malformations. In: Buonocore, G., Bracci, R., Weindling, M. (eds) Neonatology. Springer, Cham.

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