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Concepts Maps as Versatile Learning, Teaching, and Assessment Tools

Learning, Design, and Technology
  • 410 Accesses


Concept maps can serve as versatile tools for learning, teaching, and assessment to support integrating complex concepts. Research suggests that concept maps can be successfully implemented in a wide variety of settings, from K12 to higher and professional education. However, the effectiveness of concept maps depends on different factors, such as concept map training, choosing a suitable form of concept map to match the task and learner, and how to evaluate concept maps. This chapter presents two case studies that use a particular form of concept map, a Knowledge Integration Map, to illustrate different concept mapping tasks and evaluations. This chapter concludes that, if implemented thoughtfully, concept maps can be versatile tools to support knowledge integration processes toward a deeper understanding of the relations and structures of complex concepts.

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The research for this chapter was supported by the National Science Foundation grant DRL-0334199 (“The Educational Accelerator: Technology Enhanced Learning in Science”).


Parts of this chapter have been previously published by the author in the form of a dissertation, journal articles, and book chapters.

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Schwendimann, B.A. (2019). Concepts Maps as Versatile Learning, Teaching, and Assessment Tools. In: Spector, M., Lockee, B., Childress, M. (eds) Learning, Design, and Technology. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

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  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference EducationReference Module Humanities and Social SciencesReference Module Education

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    Concepts Maps as Versatile Learning, Teaching, and Assessment Tools
    04 July 2023


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    Concepts Maps as Versatile Learning, Teaching, and Assessment Tools
    06 December 2019
