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Table 3 Adaptation strategies to seaweed farming and associated constraints as mentioned by participants

From: Adaptation of Seaweed Farmers in Zanzibar to the Impacts of Climate Change


% of participants



Tend to farms more often


Takes more time and energy

If there is extra wind, I spend more time because I need to check if the pegs and rope are ok (Female seaweed farmer partaking in value addition, Paje, July 2019)

The main challenge is that I use more energy but get less money (Female seaweed farmer partaking in value addition, Paje, July 2019)

Value Addition


Seaweed will not grow

Due to the disease, we try to farm seaweed but we harvest nothing. If we want to make value addition, we have to buy from other farmers (Female seaweed farmer partaking in value addition, Bweleo, July 2019)


Require training

I would like to make products but I need education on how to do it (Independent female farmer, Paje, July 2019)


Require equipment

I have had the training but I can’t afford the equipment so I can’t do it (Female SeaPoWer farmer, Dimani, July 2019)


Takes too much time

I used to do it in a cluster but we stopped because of time (Independent female farmer, Paje, July 2019)

Deepwater farming


Ability to swim

We would love to know how to swim so that we can participate in planting. We need training (Female SeaPoWer farmer, Dimani, July 2019)


Ability to dive

Men should be engaged a lot more with seaweed farming. I think it is difficult for the women to dive. I don’t think women will be able to dive (Male SeaPoWer farmer, Dimani, July 2019)


Training to drive the boat

I want to learn to drive the boat myself and not rely on men (Female SeaPoWer farmer, Muungoni, July 2019)


Access to a boat

If we had a boat we would be able to farm in the deeper water (Independent female farmer, Bweleo, July 2019)



The fish eat the seaweed. We put traps at the bottom but the fish still come (Male SeaPoWer farmer, Dimani, July 2019)