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Table 2 Summary of the pros and cons of adaptation actions in the Seychelles

From: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation in the Seychelles

Adaptation actions




Hard engineering techniques

Retaining wall and groynes

Protects coastal and critical infrastructure

Very expensive to set up and to maintain

Rock armoring

Rocks absorb the wave energy and hold beach material

Logistically difficult to organize


Soft engineering techniques

Timber piling

Physical barrier protecting unprotected dune-land

Timber may get used up over time

Beach nourishment

Replenishment technique helpful in coastal defense management

Requires constant importing of sand

Sand dune management

Prevent the loss of sediment on the beach

Requires careful maintenance

Ecosystem-based adaptation

Use the role of ecosystem services to respond to the adverse impacts of climate change

Needs to be combined with other techniques