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Crowd Mining and Analysis

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
Encyclopedia of Database Systems
  • 79 Accesses

FormalPara Synonyms

Crowd data mining, Crowd mining


Crowd mining is the process of identifying data patterns in human knowledge, with the assistance of a crowd of web users. The focus is on domain areas in which data is partially or entirely undocumented and where humans are the main source of knowledge, such as data that involves people’s habits, experiences, and opinions. A key challenge in mining such data is that the human knowledge forms an open world and it is thus difficult to know what kind of information one should be looking for.

In classic databases, a similar problem is addressed by data mining techniques that identify interesting patterns in recorded data such as relational databases or textual documents. These techniques, however, are not suitable for the crowd. This is mainly due to properties of the human memory, such as the tendency to remember simple trends and summaries rather than exact details, which should be taken into consideration when gathering and...

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Recommended Reading

  1. Doan A, Franklin M, Kossmann D, Kraska T. Crowdsourcing applications and platforms: a data management perspective. PVLDB. 2011;4(12):1508–9.

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  2. Davidson SB, Khanna S, Milo T, Roy S. Using the crowd for top-k and group-by queries. In: ICDT; 2013. p. 225–36.

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  3. Franklin MJ, Kossmann D, Kraska T, Ramesh S, Xin R. CrowdDB: answering queries with crowdsourcing. In: SIGMOD; 2011. p. 61–72.

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  4. Marcus A, Wu E, Karger DR, Madden S, Miller RC. Human-powered Sorts and Joins. PVLDB. 2011;5(1):13–24.

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  5. Parameswaran AG, Park H, Garcia-Molina H, Polyzotis N, Widom J. Deco: declarative crowdsourcing. In: CIKM; 2012. p. 1203–12.

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  6. Trushkowsky B, Kraska T, Franklin MJ, Sarkar P. Crowdsourced enumeration queries. In: ICDE; 2013. p. 673–84.

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  7. Venetis P, Garcia-Molina H, Huang K, Polyzotis N. Max algorithms in crowdsourcing environments. In: WWW; 2012. p. 989–98.

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  8. Amsterdamer Y, Grossman Y, Milo T, Senellart P. Crowd mining. In: SIGMOD; 2013. p. 241–52.

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  9. Amarilli A, Amsterdamer Y, Milo T. On the complexity of mining itemsets from the crowd using taxonomies. In: ICDT; 2014. p. 15–25.

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  10. Amsterdamer Y, Davidson SB, Milo T, Novgorodov S, Somech A. OASSIS: query driven crowd mining yael. In: SIGMOD; 2014. p. 1–12.

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  11. Bradburn NM, Rips LJ, Shevell SK. Answering autobiographical questions: the impact of memory and inference on surveys. Science. 1987;236(4798): 158–61.

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  12. Srikant R, Agrawal R. Mining generalized association rules. In: VLDB; 1995. p. 407–19.

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Amsterdamer, Y., Milo, T. (2017). Crowd Mining and Analysis. In: Liu, L., Özsu, M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer, New York, NY.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, New York, NY

  • Print ISBN: 978-1-4899-7993-3

  • Online ISBN: 978-1-4899-7993-3

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Computer SciencesReference Module Computer Science and Engineering

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