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Missing Data

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Handbook of Epidemiology


A general framework for describing and handling missing data is presented. Methodology is categorized according to its validity under various assumptions about the missing data mechanism. Considerable attention is given to direct-likelihood approaches, weighted generalized estimating equations, and multiple imputation. The value of sensitivity analysis to examine the stability of inferences against untestable assumptions is discussed. A running example is used to illustrate methodology.

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We gratefully acknowledge support from FWO-Vlaanderen Research Project G.0002.98: “Sensitivity Analysis for Incomplete and Coarse Data” and from Belgian IUAP/PAI network “Statistical Techniques and Modeling for Complex Substantive Questions with Complex Data.”

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Molenberghs, G., Beunckens, C., Jansen, I., Thijs, H., Verbeke, G., Kenward, M.G. (2023). Missing Data. In: Ahrens, W., Pigeot, I. (eds) Handbook of Epidemiology. Springer, New York, NY.

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