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Figure 1 |

Figure 1

From: Environmental Planning and Simulation Tools

Figure 1

a Two scenarios analyzed with CITYgreen [1]: on the left is a conventional housing development (Fairway Hills) with most trees removed and standard-size yards, driveways, access roads, and building footprints; on the right is a “clustered” development (Growing Greener design) with original trees maintained as a greenway (open space) maintained for community use with a minimum of impervious surfaces like building roofs, roads, and driveways b Graphic output from CITYgreen modeling of stormwater runoff (in inches, already corrected for area) as a function of various 24-hour storm events (1-year to 100-year probability events) for conventional (Fairway Hills) development vs. “clustered” (Growing Greener) environmental design [1]. In a one year event, 20,000 gallons of water are “conserved” with the environmental design while over 180,000 gallons of potential stormwater are “removed” from a 100-year storm event with the Growing Greener approach [1]

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