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Change Detection

  • Reference work entry
Encyclopedia of GIS
  • 1655 Accesses


Detection of changes; Digital change detection methods; Land cover change detection


Change Detection can be defined as the process of identifying differences in the state of an object or phenomenon by observing it at different times [1]. This process is usually applied to earth surface changes at two or more times. The primary source of data is geographic and is usually in digital format (e. g., satellite imagery), analog format (e. g., aerial photos), or vector format (e. g., feature maps). Ancillary data (e. g., historical, economic, etc.) can also be used.

Historical Background

Change detection history starts with the history of remote sensing and especially the first aerial photography taken in 1859 by Gaspard Felix Tournachon, also known as Nadar. Thereafter, the development of change detection is closely associated with military technology during world wars I and II and the strategic advantage provided by temporal information acquired by remote sensing....

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Recommended Reading

  1. Singh, A.: Digital change detection techniques using remotely‐sensed data. Int. J. Remote Sens. 10(6), 989–1003 (1989)

    Article  Google Scholar 

  2. Lunetta, R.S., Elvidge, C.D.: Remote sensing change detection: environmental monitoring methods and applications. Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, USA, (1998) p. 318

    Google Scholar 

  3. Coppin, P., Jonckheere, I., Nackaerts, K., Muys, B., Lambin, E.: Digital change detection methods in ecosystem monitoring: a review. Int. J. Remote Sens. 25(9), 1565–1596 (2004)

    Article  Google Scholar 

  4. Lu, D., Mausel, P., Brondízios, E., Moran, E.: Change detection techniques. Int. J. Remote Sens. 25(12), 2365–2407 (2004)

    Article  Google Scholar 

  5. Mas, J.-F.: Monitoring land-cover changes: a comparison of change detection techniques. Int. J. Remote Sens. 20(1), 139–152 (1999)

    Article  Google Scholar 

  6. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing. Accessed November 2006

  7. Diversitas – Integrating biodiversity science for human well-being. Accessed November 2006

  8. ESA – Observing the Earth. Accessed November 2006

  9. Global Change Master Directory. Accessed November 2006

  10. IGBP – International Geosphere‐Biosphere Programme. Accessed November 2006

  11. IHDP – International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change. Accessed November 2006

  12. WCRP – World Climate Research Programme. Accessed November 2006

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Théau, J. (2008). Change Detection. In: Shekhar, S., Xiong, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of GIS. Springer, Boston, MA.

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