Definition of the Subject
In this chapter we present some definitions related to the fractal concept as well asseveral methods for calculating the fractal dimension and other relevant exponents. Thepurpose is to introduce the reader to the basic properties of fractals and self‐affinestructures so that this book will be self contained. We do not give references to most of theoriginal works, but, we refer mostly to books and reviews on fractal geometry where theoriginal references can be found.
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We like to thank all our coworkers in this field, in particular Eva Koscielny‐Bunde, Mikhail Bogachev, Jan Kantelhardt, Jan Eichner, Diego Rybski, Sabine Lennartz, Lev Muchnik, Kazuko Yamasaki, John Schellnhuber and Hans von Storch.
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Bunde, A., Havlin, S. (2009). Fractal Geometry, A Brief Introduction to. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.
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