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Central Andes: Prehispanic Hunter-Gatherers

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Hunter-gatherers’ study in Central Andes has been the focus of attention of Peruvian, American, and European researchers for nearly a century. Its Golden Age began in 1958 with the pioneering excavations of Peruvian archaeologists: first in Huánuco highlands, initial work led by Augusto Cardich (1958, 1964) in Uchcumachay and Lauricocha caves at high Marañón valley and then by Rogger Ravines (1965) in Perjaypata and Jatunushco caves at high Huallaga valley, and second, the research led by Ramiro Matos (1975) in Junín highlands. Simultaneously, since 1958 there was a long-term research done by the Riva-Agüero Institute of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (IRA-PUCP), initially led by Josefina Ramos de Cox (1969) and then by Mercedes Cárdenas (1981).

Such research was followed in the 1960s and 1970s by the work of American anthropologists in Peruvian central coast (Lanning 1963; Patterson 1966), on the coast of Casma (Malpass 1986...

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Further Readings

  • Blackwell, P.G., and C.E. Buck. 2008. Estimating radiocarbon calibration curves. Bayesian Analysis 3 (2): 225–248.

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  • Kelly, R.L. 2013. The lifeways of hunter-gatherers: The foraging spectrum. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 375 p.

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Camacho, L.E.S. (2019). Central Andes: Prehispanic Hunter-Gatherers. In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, Cham.

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    Central Andes: Prehispanic Hunter-Gatherers
    24 November 2018


  2. Central Andes: Prehispanic Hunter-Gatherers
    22 September 2018


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    Central Andes: Prehispanic Hunter-Gatherers
    06 August 2018
