Correction to: Christoph Heuck and Niels Weinhold (eds.), Multiple Myeloma: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1792,

In Chapter 4, the author’s name Homer Adams III has been modified to Adams HC 3rd, as requested by him.

In Chapter 13 (page no. 186), the text in bold font in the below sentence has been revised to the following.

Section: 3.8 (Bisulfite Conversion)

2. Meanwhile, prepare the bisulfite conversion (CT) reagent by mixing 210 μL of ultrapure water and 750 μL of M-dilution buffer to the content of CT-reagents per vial (see Note 7).

Has been replaced with

2. Meanwhile, prepare the bisulfite conversion (CT) reagent by mixing 210 μL of Mdilution buffer and 750 μL of ultrapure water to the content of CT-reagents per vial (see Note 7).