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Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - Call for Papers: What you hear is what you see? Perspectives on Modalities in Sound and Music Interaction.


The AudioMostly conference series is interested in Sonic Interaction Design and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in general. The conference provides a space to reflect on the role of sound and music in our lives and how to understand, develop and design systems which relate to sound and music with a particular interest in this from a broad HCI perspective. The special theme of this year’s conference What you hear is what you see? Perspectives on modalities in sound and music interaction called particularly for submissions exploring and questioning the potentials and limits of cross-modal perception and interaction in the context of multimodal information design including sonification and visualization as well as artistic conceptualizations, touching aspects, such as attention, expectation, and memory.

This theme issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing is based on extended papers from the AudioMostly 2022: What you hear is what you see? Perspectives on modalities in sound and music interaction ( In order to broaden the scope of topics and bring together the highly related communities, we decided to extend and re-open this call for authors of accepted papers at the International Conference on Auditory Display 2023 ( ). Thus, authors of accepted submissions at AudioMostly 2022 and ICAD 2023 are invited to significantly extend their work for this wide-ranging theme issue which will reflect the range and diversity of the research featured at the conference. We expect that papers will be significantly extended with at least 30% for long paper and 50% for short papers new material from accepted conference papers resulting in a word count between 9.000 and 12.000. It should be clearly stated in your submission that it builds upon formerly published content. A maximum of two submissions per contributing author will be permitted.

 Researchers working in areas covered by Audio Mostly  ( and ICAD 2023 ( ) who were unable to feature in the event should also contact the editors if they have an interest in publishing in this theme issue. Please visit both conferences' websites for an overview of topics we would like to cover. Submissions should be original and not be under consideration in other journal publication venues. All papers will be peer reviewed.

Topics of Interest
The topics of interest for this SI include, but are not limited to:

  • music
  • sound
  • interaction
  • audio

The format for the full article submission is available at:


Prof. (FH) Dr. Michael IBER (Lead Guest Editor)

Michael Iber is a professor for Audio Design at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in Austria. He studied piano at the Royal Academy of Music and initially pursued a classical concert career. Since the end of the 1990s, he has been developing projects at the intersection of music, sound and media arts. His main research interest lies in the design and perception of acoustic information, data sonification, and audio for XR in the context of smart industries and health care. In addition to his teaching and research activities, Iber works as an author, director, sound designer and producer of broadcast features and radio plays.

Dipl.-Ing. Kajetan ENGE

Kajetan Enge is a junior researcher at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences in Austria and a doctoral student at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. Kajetan did research on the plausible reproduction of sound in virtual reality environments and currently conducts basic research on the combination of sonification and visualization for exploratory data analysis. He is the leading organizer of the AVAC, the Audio-Visual Analytics Community, and has been the General Co-Chair of Audio Mostly 2022.

Prof. Dr. Niklas RÖNNBERG

Niklas Rönnberg has a background in communication and media studies with a Ph.D. in technical audiology. He works as an associate professor in Sound technology at the division for Media and Information Technology, Department for Science and Technology, Linköping University. His research interests are in the connection between sonification and visualization, as well as in sonification as a means for communication in public spaces. Furthermore, he teaches media technology courses with focus on sound and sound technology.

Dipl.-Ing. M.Sc. Annika NEIDHARDT

Annika Neidhardt is a Senior Researcher at Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany, who has conducted research for 3D Audio and Virtual Acoustics for more than 10 years. Her research interest is the position-dependent binaural auralization of rooms for Extended Reality. Furthermore, she investigates Social Mixed Reality systems and algorithms for the automatic characterization of a user's acoustic environment. She teaches Psychoacoustics, Room Acoustics and Signal Processing at the university in Ilmenau and she is chair of the TC Virtual Acoustics in the German Acoustics Association (DEGA) and Regional Group Leader for AES Germany.

Prof. Dr. Norbert SCHNELL

Norbert Schnell is professor of Music Design at the Digital Media Faculty at the Furtwangen University in the center of the Black Forest since 2017. In 1995, he entered the IRCAM research center in the field of interactive digital audio processing and interaction design. He chaired the 6th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression and co-founded the Web Audio Conference. His current research focuses on collective interactions based on mobile and web technologies as well as multichannel audio in the context of art and music, collaborative digital media, music pedagogy and health care.

Dipl.-Ing. Katharina POLLACK

Katharina Pollack studied electrical engineering audio engineering at the Technical University and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz and is currently doing her PhD in the field of spatial hearing at the Acoustics Research Institute in Vienna. Her main research interest is making personalised head-related transfer functions more accessible to the public, with the focus on parametric and statistic approaches for pinna shape deformation. She is an active member of the Austrian Acoustics Association, and the Austrian section of the Audio Engineering Society and the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering.


Maria Kallionpää obtained her PhD in composition in 2015 (University of Oxford) and has graduated from the Royal Academy of Music (2009) and Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien (2010). 2018-2022 she worked as an assistant professor in composition at the Hong Kong Baptist University.  She won the first prize of the OUPHIL composition competition in 2013. Kallionpää works currently  as an artist in residence and visiting scholar of the Mixed Reality Laboratory of the Nottingham University. Her artistic research focuses on super instruments and gamification as a composition technique.

Dr. Emma YOUNG

Dr Emma Young defines and explores future media experiences and new content formats to support technology innovation at BBC Research and Development. Her research and production interests include Immersive Media (VR, AR, Spatial Audio and Metaverse-related technologies); Virtual Production; and Personalised Media. Passionate about Diversity and Inclusion in the broadcast industry, Emma leads the employee network ‘BBC Women in STEM’ (WiSTEM) as Chair of the Board; and is highly active in Outreach, both at the BBC and in the wider industry.


Dr Alan Chamberlain is a Senior Research Fellow in the Mixed Reality Lab, University of Nottingham. He is Principal Investigator on the EXIoT Project: Explorations in Sound Art and Technology. He is Creative Sector Theme Lead on the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous System Hub and Co-Director of the AHRC nTAIL Network - Theatre, AI and Ludic Technologies. He has published numerous papers on Human Computer Interaction and obtained funding for a wide range of research projects. He has been a Visiting Academic at the University of Oxford, a Visiting Researcher at Swansea University, and is currently a Visiting Professor at Copenhagen Business School.
