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Microchimica Acta

Analytical Sciences and Technologies on the Micro- and Nanoscale

Publishing model:

Microchimica Acta - Topical Collections open for submission!

Information for Authors: For an overview of all Topical Collections that are currently open for submission, please visit this page. Submissions should meet the Aims & Scope of Microchimca Acta (please also read this Editorial), and comply with the submission guidelines.

During the submission process, please indicate that you are submitting to a topical collection by responding to the respective question in the submission form and choosing the desired collection from the dropdown list. Please also mention the topical collection in the cover letter.

Proposals for further topical collections: If you want to propose a Topical Collection, please contact the Editors-in-Chief, providing a summary of the Topical Collection including title, aims & scope, number of expected manuscripts and expected deadline. A list of potential authors and contribution titles would be helpful.

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