Discover Cities - Topical Collections
The journal publishes guest-edited Topical Collections on emerging hot topics of relevance to all aspects of urban science. Our Topical Collections allow readers to quickly identify research on subject areas of particular interest to them.
Topical Collections provide Guest Editors with a great opportunity to become more actively involved in the journal’s development. Guest Editors are involved in soliciting papers, in writing a short description of the Topical Collection and an introductory Editorial. In addition, they may manage some or all of the submissions to the Topical Collection through the peer review process, as long as our standard competing interests conditions are met. We accept proposals for Topical Collections and nominations from potential Guest Editors. Please follow up with our journal publishing contact for further information
All manuscripts submitted to a Topical Collection are assessed according to the standard Discover Cities editorial criteria and are subject to all standard journal policies. Usually Topical Collections are open for submissions from all authors as long as they fall within the scope of the Topical Collection and of the journal in general.