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Discover Agriculture - Meet the Editor-in-Chief for Discover Agriculture

New Content Item“Agriculture has been transformed into a science dealing not only with crop and livestock management but also as the basis of the food systems, environment care and human health. Associated with most of the sustainable development goals, agriculture is currently embedded and inspired with disciplines dealing with environment and social sciences. It is also one of the solutions to fostering sustainability while feeding the world population. Discover Agriculture is born to provide a space for relevant and timely knowledge sharing that perceives agriculture from a holistic perspective, considering not only the main purpose of agriculture as a food supplier but also how to produce more considering the practices, systems, technological, environment and social aspects – that is to say, how to produce more with less.”

María Rosa Mosquera-Losada is Distinguished Professor and Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Agricultural and Forestry Research at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), with a research focus on grasslands, crops and forestry and integrated land use systems including agroforestry and agroecology including environment and social aspects. She has been leading several regional, national and international projects, being the coordinator of the Thematic Networks AFINET (H2020) and the new AF4EU (HEuropa) to foster knowledge exchange between scientists and practitioners on agroforestry. She has also been a workpackage leader in different European projects about agroforestry, agroecology, climate change, business models (AGFORWARD, AFINET, EURAKNOS, EUREKA, OPEN2PRESERVE, GOGRASS, UNDERTREES, AE4EU, GOFOREST, OPER8, GOODS).

She is chair of the Arable Crop working group of the Global Research Alliance (official IPPC observer) and the “Enabling Environment Working Group” of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (FAO). She edited the books “Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management” (CAB International), “Agroforestry in Europe - Current Status and Future Prospects” (Springer) and “Agroforestry for sustainable agriculture” (Francis Dodds). Author of over 400 peer reviewed papers, around 100 of which are indexed in the JCR (90% of papers in the first decile).
