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Intensive Care Research
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Intensive Care Research - Call for Papers: Mechanical Ventilation: New Insight

Guest Editors: 

Dr. Yi Yang

Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Dr. Lei Xu

Department of Critical Care Medicine, The Third Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin, China

Dr. Lu Chen

Department of Critical Care Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Aims and Scope

Mechanical ventilation is important treatment for the patients with respiratory failure and anesthesia for operation. However, the indication of non-invasive support transfer to invasive support, optimal ventilation settings for ARDS, mechanisms of ventilator-induced lung injury(VILI) and ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction(VIDD), et al. are not clarified. This Special Issue is intended to collect the most recent developments in the area of mechanical ventilation (e.g. high flow nasal oxygenation, non-invasive ventilation, invasive ventilation, ventilator-induced lung injury(VILI) and ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction(VIDD), et al.).

Main topics and quality control

The topics can comprise all aspects of mechanical ventilation, including, but not limited to, the following subjects:

Respiratory physiology during mechanical ventilation; Respiratory monitoring with mechanical ventilation; Non-invasive ventilation with respiratory failure; Optimal settings of mechanical ventilation; Mechanisms and prevention of VILI and VIDD; Current developments and future trends on mechanical ventilation, including precision medicine.

Full papers will be subject to a strict review procedure for final selection to this special issue based on the following criteria:

1. Quality and originality in theory and methodology of the special issue.

2. Relevance to the topic of the special issue.

3. Application orientation which exhibits novelty.

4. Presence of the following statements (if applicable): disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, research involving human participants and/or animals, informed consent.

Important date

Open date:                                   12 May 2022

Submit your paper

All papers have to be submitted via the Editorial Manager online submission and peer review system. Instructions will be provided on screen and you will be stepwise guided through the process of uploading all the relevant article details and files associated with your submission. During submission authors should indicate that their manuscript belongs to the special issue “Mechanical Ventilation: New Insight” (this question will appear at “Additional Information” step). All manuscripts must be in the English language.

To access the online submission site for the journal, please visit Note that if this is the first time that you submit to the Intensive Care Research, you need to register as a user of the system first.

NOTE : Before submitting your paper, please make sure to review the journal's Author Guidelines first.

After Acceptance

This special issue will be published as a virtual collection that will be accessible at SpringerLink.

Accepted papers will be published online within about 20 days after acceptance, fully citable by DOI (Digital Object Identifier), prior to publication in the issue.

Introduction of the Guest Editors

[Yi Yang]

New Content Item

Chief Physician, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor. She is the director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, the deputy director of National Center for Quality Control of Critical Care Medicine, Currently, she is the standing committee member and secretary of the Chinese Society of Critical Care Medicine, the chairman of Jiangsu Society of Critical Care Medicine.

[Lei Xu]

New Content Item

Director of Tianjin Critical Care Medicine Quality Control Center. Member of the Standing Committee of the Critical Care Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association. Standing Committee Member of the Critical Care Physician Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Standing Committee Member of the Critical Care Specialty of the Chinese Society of Pathophysiology. Vice Chairman of the Critical Care Medicine Branch and Standards Committee of the Chinese Society of Health Information and Health Care Big Data. China Research Member of the Standing Committee of the Critical Care Medicine Professional Committee of the Hospital Association

[Lu Chen]

New Content Item

Dr. Lu Chen graduated from Xiangya Medical School (Hunan, China) in 2004. He completed his specialist training in Intensive Care Medicine, supervised by Dr. Jian-Xin Zhou in Beijing Tiantan Hospital (Beijing, China). He worked with Dr. Marco Ranieri as a visiting scholar in Molinette hospital (Turin, Italy) for one year since 2010. Afterwards, he returned to China and worked as an intensivist for three years. He currently works at St Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, Canada) as a research fellow supervised by Dr. Laurent Brochard, focusing on respiratory physiology and mechanical ventilation, predominantly in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
