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Intensive Care Research
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Open access

Intensive Care Research - Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Cardiovascular Emergency

Guest Editor

Prof. Lexin Wang

Aims and scope

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality around the globe. Cardiovascular emergencies are life threatening disorders that require prompt and effective diagnosis and treatment to reduce the risk of fatal complications or death. This special issue of Intensive Care Research is designed to highlight the most recent development in the prevention, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular emergencies from bench to bedside. Although emphasis will be on clinical studies or clinical trials, state of the art experimental studies on cardiovascular emergencies will also be considered. 

Main topics and quality control

This issue will cover all areas of cardiovascular emergencies, such as acute coronary syndrome, acute heart failure, cardiopulmonary arrest, arrhythmias, hypertension emergencies, and aortic dissection. We welcome clinical and experimental studies or concise reviews on the prevalence, pathophysiology, diagnosis, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment (e.g. device, catheter based techniques or surgeries) of these disorders. Papers on healthcare policies or clinical guidelines designed to improve the outcomes of patients will also be considered.

Full papers or concise reviews will be subject to a strict review procedure for final selection to this special issue based on the following criteria:

  1. Quality and originality of the submitted studies or reviews.
  2. Relevance to the topics of the special issue.
  3. Clinical applications of experimental or laboratory studies.
  4. Presence of the following statements (if applicable): disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, ethics approvals on research involving human participants and/or animals, informed consent.

Important date

Open date:                24 March 2022

Submit your paper

All papers will be submitted via the Editorial Manager online submission and peer review system. Instructions will be provided on screen and you will be stepwise guided through the process of uploading all the relevant article details and files associated with your submission. During submission authors should indicate that their manuscript belongs to the special issue "Cardiovascular Emergencies" (this question will appear at “Additional Information” step). All manuscripts must be submitted in English.

To access the online submission site for the journal, please Note that if this is the first time that you submit to the Intensive Care Research, you need to register as a user of the system first.

NOTE: Before submitting your paper, please make sure to review the journal's Author Guidelines first.

After acceptance

This special issue will be published as a virtual collection that will be accessible at SpringerLink.

Accepted papers will be published online within about 20 days after acceptance, fully citable by DOI (Digital Object Identifier), prior to publication in the issue.

Introduction of the Guest Editor

[Lexin Wang]

New Content Item

Prof. Lexin Wang is Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, and Medical Director at Wagga Medical Centre, Australia. He is a specialist physician in both cardiology and general practice with an extensive clinical and academic experience of more than 30 years. His main area of research is quality use of medicines in the management of hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiac arrhythmia and heart failure. He is an author of 400 peer-reviewed journal articles and two major textbooks of cardiology. He is the Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP); Fellow of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (FCSANZ).
