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Digital Society

Ethics, Socio-Legal and Governance of Digital Technology

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Collections and calls for papers

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AI in Education: Ethical and Epistemic Perspectives

The fast development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) causes significant transformations, with education emerging as an important area for exploration and innovation. The topical collection "AI in Education: ...
Submission status
Submission deadline
31 October 2024

Auditing of AI: legal, ethical, and technical approaches

Recently, the focus of the debate concerning AI governance has shifted from principles to practice. In April 2021, for example, the European Commission proposed a comprehensive regulatory framework for AI sy...
Submission status


Advances in artificial intelligence have recently stirred both public and academic debates about the opportunities but also the risks posed by these developments. It is evident that the disruptive impact of ...
Submission status

Data and the Common(s)

In reaction to data capitalism and colonialism, data and data-related technologies and practices have been increasingly thought of in relation to the common rather than an individual. To name a few examples,...
Submission status

Digital Market, Competition and Consumers

On 24 March 2022, the landmark proposed EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) was officially been agreed by Parliament and Council negotiators and signed into law on 14 September 2022. The DMA entered into force on 1...
Submission status
Submission deadline
31 August 2024

Ethical Governance of AI for National Defence

Maintaining a technological advantage has always been pivotal to the success of national defence measures. This is why over the past two decades there have been growing efforts to design, develop, and deploy...
Submission status

EU digital policies and EU in the world

The European Union is often seen as a regulatory power but as a weak global player in technology or military matters. EU’s digital policies and laws are often based upon market and economic motivations in pa...
Submission status

Exploring technologies as a social determinant of health

This topical collection will look at the intersection of public health ethics and technology, asking the question: does technology or AI act as a social determinant of health? Rather than a review of all tec...
Submission status

Intercultural Digital Ethics

Recent advances in the capability of digital information technologies—particularly due to advances in artificial intelligence—have invigorated the debate on the ethical issues surrounding their use. However,...
Submission status

Politics of Machine Learning Evaluation

Is the data good enough for training purposes? Does the model perform accurately enough? Is the error rate low enough? Such questions of ‘good enough’ are at the very core of the process of Machine Learning ...
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Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society

Our daily interactions with the environment are mediated through technologies that collect, process, and store personal data. Living in a ‘digital society’ means thus sharing intimate information and moments...
Submission status

Quantum Society

Quantum technology is a set of emerging technologies that employ quantum physical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement for practical and scientific purposes. These technologies include quantum co...
Submission status
Submission deadline
01 July 2025

The Ethics of Digital Healthcare

The digitalization of healthcare already has a long history. Today, digitized medical images and patient records are integrated parts of routine healthcare all over the world. What is new, however, is the pa...
Submission status

The Impact of Digital Transformation on Society

Digital transformation involves the holistic integration of digital technologies into various aspects of industrialized society - from fundamentally changing the business to ultimately impacting society. How...
Submission status
Submission deadline
01 July 2024
