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Architecture, Structures and Construction - Latest Special Issue - Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Architecture, Structures and Construction

Volume 3, issue 4, December 2023

Guest Editors:
Dr. M.Z. Naser,
Clemson University, USA
Dr. Vitaliy V. Degtyarev, New Millennium Building Systems, LLC, USA

In this special issue, we venture into the innovative terrains where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) intersect with architecture, structures, and construction. The papers published in this special issue explore how AI and ML can not only automate design but also give it a fresh, adaptive, and generative perspective. These papers show how AI and ML can revolutionize how we evaluate structural systems, introducing efficiencies and precision that were previously challenging to achieve. Whether it's predicting the impacts of natural calamities or monitoring the health of a structure, these technologies are poised to make significant contributions. AI and ML have found applications that ensure buildings are not just constructed but are living entities that adapt and respond. These papers not only emphasize the magnitude of integrating these technologies but also provide a roadmap for professionals and stakeholders keen on harnessing their potential. To our readers, may you find inspiration, knowledge, and the spark to contribute to this evolving narrative.

Click here to read the Editorial.
