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La Matematica

Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics

Publishing model:

La Matematica - Call for Papers: Applied Monte Carlo Methods

Call for Papers: New Article Collection for La Matematica

Applied Monte Carlo Methods

Submission Deadline: 31 August 2025, then rolling

Guest Editors:

Francesca Bernardi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA)
Andrea Arnold, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (USA)


Monte Carlo methods have been employed in numerous fields of mathematics and beyond since the 1940s. The goal of this topical collection is to present a multitude of uses of Monte Carlo methods driven by diverse applications in cutting edge fields of research including biological and neural network modeling, disease spreading, RNA dynamics, granular materials, and water filtration. We invite manuscripts focused on algorithm development as well as updates of existing methods in the context of a specific real-world application.

We invite papers of interest for a broad audience including computational mathematicians interested in the theoretical, formal algorithm development and testing, as well as applied mathematicians interested in learning about how these methods are being used in different settings. La Matematica is the ideal setting for such a topical collection given its scope of publishing works that span various areas of mathematics.

Submission Instructions:

Papers should be submitted at the La Matematica website:

Select Article Type: Manuscript
Upload your files: When the system asks, "Does this manuscript belong to an Article Collection? Yes / No" reply: Yes, then choose the option "A.C: Applied Monte Carlo Methods”.
Finally: Complete the submission process as required.

The papers will be reviewed according to the editorial policy & standards of La Matematica. The papers should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Prior to submission, please ensure that your paper adheres to the journal’s author guidelines, which can be found at:
