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La Matematica

Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics

Publishing model:

La Matematica - Call for Papers: Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography and Coding Theory

This collection welcomes research articles in the field of Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography and Coding Theory, broadly defined. This can be both theoretical results as well as applied. Submitted works should have a high level of originality and quality, providing significant contribution to the creation of new knowledge.  We also welcome high quality survey papers. Submissions from all members of the broader Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography and Coding Theory research community are welcome.

Submission Deadline: September 1, 2023 for the first issue (and open-ended after that date)

Guest Editors:

  • Delaram Kahrobaei, The City University of New York (Queens College and Graduate Center), USA; University of York, USA; New York University, USA
  • Matluba Khodjaeva, The City University of New York (John Jay College and Graduate Center), USA

Submission Instructions:

Papers should be submitted at the La Matematica website:

  • Select Article Type: Manuscript
  • Upload your files: When the system asks, "Are you submitting this manuscript to an Article Collection?" reply: Yes, then choose the option "A.C.: Cryptography and Coding Theory ”.
  • Finally: Complete the submission process as required.

The papers will be reviewed according to the editorial policy and standards of La Matematica. The papers should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Prior to submission, please ensure that your paper adheres to the journal’s author guidelines, which can be found at:
