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La Matematica

Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics

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La Matematica - Call for Papers: Partial Differential Equations in Phase Space (Submission Deadline 1 May 2023)

Call for Papers: New Article Collection for La Matematica
Partial Differential Equations in Phase Space

Submission Deadline: May 1, 2023

Guest Editor:

Francesco Salvarani
University of Pavia (Italy)
De Vinci Research Centre (France)
National Virgilian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts (Italy)


The study of partial differential equations in phase space is a very active area of research.

Some paradigmatic examples of these equations are the Boltzmann equation, the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation, the Vlasov-Poisson and the Vlasov-Maxwell systems. In the recent history of Fields medals, two winners have been chosen because of their contributions to the study of partial differential equations in phase space (Lions, in 1994, for proving, among other results, the existence of renormalized solutions for the Boltzmann equation and Villani, in 2010, for proving Landau damping for the Vlasov-Poisson system). Research in this area is increasing, with contributions of the highest quality.

The collection welcomes research articles that treat PDEs in phase space using deep mathematical  techniques. Submitted works should study problems consistent with the title of the collection and have a high level of originality and quality, providing significant contribution to the creation of new knowledge.

Submission Instructions:

Papers should be submitted at the La Matematica website:

Select Article Type: Manuscript
Upload your files: When the system asks, "Are you submitting this manuscript to an Article Collection?" reply: Yes, then choose the option "A.C.: Partial Differential Equations in Phase Space”.
Finally: Complete the submission process as required.

The papers will be reviewed according to the editorial policy & standards of La Matematica. The papers should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Prior to submission, please ensure that your paper adheres to the journal’s author guidelines, which can be found at:

