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La Matematica

Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics

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La Matematica - Call for Papers: Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (Submission Deadline 31 December 2022)

Call for Papers: New Article Collection for La Matematica

Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms

Submission Deadline: December 31, 2022

Guest Editor:

Mark Daniel Ward,
Purdue University (USA)

Analysis of algorithms (AofA) is a scientific basis for computation, providing a link between abstract algorithms and the performance characteristics of their implementations in the real world. The general effort to predict precisely the performance of algorithms has come to involve research in analytic combinatorics, the analysis of random discrete structures, asymptotic analysis, exact and limiting distributions, and other fields of inquiry in computer science, probability theory, and enumerative combinatorics.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

We invite papers in:

  • analytic algorithmics and combinatorics,
  • probabilistic analysis of algorithms,
  • randomized algorithms.

We also welcome papers addressing problems such as: combinatorial algorithms, string searching and pattern matching, sublinear algorithms on massive data sets, network algorithms, graph algorithms, caching and memory hierarchies, indexing, data mining, data compression, coding and information theory, and computational finance. Papers are also welcome that address bridges to research in related fields such as statistical physics, computational biology, computational geometry, and simulation.

In this special issue of La Matematica, we welcome full versions of the abstracts from the AofA 2022 international conference, as well as other significant contributions to research in AofA subject areas.

Submission Instructions:

Papers should be submitted at the La Matematica website:

Select Article Type: Manuscript
Upload your files: When the system asks, "Does this manuscript belong to a Special Issue?" reply: Yes, then choose the option "S.I.: Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms”.
Finally: Complete the submission process as required.

The papers will be reviewed according to the editorial policy & standards of La Matematica. The papers should be original, unpublished, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Prior to submission, please ensure that your paper adheres to the journal’s author guidelines, which can be found at:
