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La Matematica

Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics

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La Matematica - Introducing La Matematica

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The four female editors-in-chief of La Matematica (from left): Donatella Danielli of Arizona State University (USA); Kathryn Leonard of Occidental College (USA);  Michelle Manes of University of Hawaii (USA); and Ami Radunskaya of Pomona College (USA).

La Matematica is a peer-reviewed journal featuring high-quality research from all areas of the mathematical sciences. It is dedicated to publishing research papers describing novel mathematical ideas and tools, survey articles on current trends that appeal to a wide range of readers, short communications, and occasional reviews. La Matematica encourages innovation, engagement, and interdisciplinary research collaboration. As the flagship journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics, our goal is to support the flourishing of all mathematicians by adopting equitable practices in STEM publishing. These include doubly-anonymous reviews, constructive and kind reviewer feedback, a fast review process, supplementary material for reproducibility, and periodic surveys of authors, reviewers, and editors so that we may continue to improve.

La Matematica publishes a variety of article types in all fields of mathematics: pure, applied, and computational. We interpret “mathematical sciences” broadly, including mathematically-inspired results in data science, computer science, and statistics, as well as topics in algebra, topology, number theory, analysis, dynamical systems, network theory, and probability. Occasionally, we will  publish special issues featuring work in mathematics education, the history of mathematics, and the philosophy of mathematics.   

The journal offers full-length research articles and short communications that describe new theoretical results and innovative practical applications. Reports on computational studies and case studies are accompanied by relevant software and data. Survey articles, written in a clear and inviting style, appeal to readers from all backgrounds, encouraging trans-disciplinary engagement with mathematical ideas.  

We view mathematics as an interdependent field where progress happens in community with others. Our journal is designed to facilitate and highlight such progress. We acknowledge that, in starting a new journal, we are taking the first steps in a long process. But we are committed to working toward these ideals and to continue to learn and grow in our understanding of best practices in equitable publishing. We are grateful for those who have provided resources to make our job easier, in particular those who have published about equitable review processes and who have gathered information about mathematicians from specific demographic groups (Lathisms and Mathematically Gifted and Black most notably). What we do know is that the journal only exists because of the creativity and hard work of the authors who submit to us, and the insight and hard work of those who review and edit for us. We invite you to become a part of the LaMa community, as an author, reviewer, editor, or reader.

Please find the first issue of the journal published here, and our most recent publications here.
