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La Matematica

Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics

Publishing model:

La Matematica - La Matematica Zoom Discussion Panel and Q&A

Introducing La Matematica
ZOOM Discussion Panel and Q&A

LAMA journal cover    AWM Logo

The Association for Women in Mathematics and Springer Nature are proud that we were able to present a virtual panel on May 24, 2021, and inform the broader mathematical community about our new journal La Matematica.  We hope that everyone who had the chance to attend the panel enjoyed it and learned everything they needed to know about La Matematica.  We also want to thank our panelists and co-editors in chief of La Matematica for their participation. Please let us know if you have any further questions, and we look forward to your future contributions to the journal. 

The video of the panel can be found HERE.

La Matematica’s Editors-in-Chief:
Donatella Danielli, Arizona State University
Kathryn Leonard, Occidental College
Michelle Manes, University of Hawaii
Ami Radunskaya, Pomona College
