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Computational Urban Science
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Computational Urban Science - Call for papers: Spatial Optimization CFP

The Journal of Computational Urban Science has agreed to publish a special issue on spatial optimization and its role in supporting urban sustainability. Climate change has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges to urban sustainability, causing rising temperatures and more frequent and intense extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and floods. Meanwhile, the growing urban population and increasing needs for food, water, and energy resources in cities have brought about additional challenges to urban sustainability. As an important spatial method, spatial optimization can be used to help address these challenges and support efficient and equitable urban system design and management. In this special issue, we welcome studies addressing any relevant issues on spatial optimization and urban sustainability. These studies include but not limited to

  • Location analysis and modeling 
  • Network design and vulnerability analysis 
  • Land use planning and resource management
  • Big data and spatial optimization applications
  • Efficiency and equity 
  • Emergency management and disaster mitigation 

Motivated by these challenges, in October 2023 Jiangxi Normal University organized and hosted a workshop over two days. The workshop included two keynotes, four sessions of research talks, and plenary discussions. This proposed special issue will serve as one of the activities after the workshop.

If you would like to contribute to this special issue, please send an abstract of a proposed paper to Daoqin Tong,, by January 31, 2024. Authors of suitable abstracts will be asked to send full papers by the end of June.

Professor Daoqin Tong, Arizona State University;

Professor Hui Lin, Jiangxi Normal University;
