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Computational Urban Science
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Open access

Collections and calls for papers

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Advances in urban remote sensing for coastal sustainability

Recent decades have witnessed rapid and intensive urbanization processes in coastal regions, accompanied by the urban population surge, urban infrastructure expansion and tourism development, which brings al...
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Data Science in City Operations

Urbanization is attracting an increasing proportion of the global population into cities to live and work, driving the demands for new infrastructure to support the needs of growing population, while changes...
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Promoting Computational Advanced Data Fusion for Urban Computing

In the era of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), the massive growth of connected devices with real-time and high frequency geo-location pings has helped many private vendors and public agencies colle...
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Revisiting Spatiotemporal Modeling in the Era of GeoAI

Geographic phenomena are considered complex due to the heterogeneous nature of spatiotemporal dependencies. It is impossible to specify a universal law described in statistical or physical languages that can...
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Spatial Optimization CFP

The Journal of Computational Urban Science has agreed to publish a special issue on spatial optimization and its role in supporting urban sustainability. Climate change has emerged as one of the most pressin...
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Urban Climate Science

Designing resilient human settlements responding to climate change needs an integrated framework. Heightened public awareness of extreme weather crises and demands for a more moral climate landscape has prom...
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