We are pleased to announce that Parasitology Research will become a fully open access (OA) on 1 January 2025. As a result, all submissions received from 3rd September 2024 are subject to an article publication charge (APC) if accepted and published in the journal (unless a waiver is applied). Please see our FAQs which can be found at the bottom of this page for more information on APCs, funding options, waivers and the journal's transition to fully open access.
The journal Parasitology Research covers the latest developments in parasitology across a variety of disciplines, including biology, medicine and veterinary medicine. Among many topics discussed are chemotherapy and control of parasitic disease, and the relationship of host and parasite.
Other coverage includes: Protozoology, Helminthology, Entomology; Morphology (incl. Pathomorphology, Ultrastructure); Biochemistry, Physiology including Molecular Biology; Parasite-Host-Relationships including Immunology and Host Specificity; Life History, Ecology and Epidemiology; and Diagnosis, Chemotherapy and Control of Parasitic Diseases.
This is a transformative journal, you may have access to funding.
- Editors-in-Chief
- Una Ryan,
- Julia Walochnik
- Journal Impact Factor
- 1.8 (2023)
- 5-year Journal Impact Factor
- 1.9 (2023)
- Submission to first decision (median)
- 7 days
- Downloads
- 936,022 (2023)
Latest articles
Journal updates
Parasitology Research is transitioning to full open access!
We are excited to announce that Parasitology Research will become a fully open access (OA) journal in 2025. This means that as of January 2025, we will only be publishing open access articles, meaning content will be freely available to readers worldwide, enabling the widest possible dissemination and reuse.
Transition to fully OA FAQ
Frequently asked questions regarding the transition to fully open access and what this means for the Parasitology Research.
Improve Your Submission: Top Tips from Parasitology Research
The Parasitology Research publishing team has identified key areas where authors can improve their submissions to ensure a smoother, faster, and more positive peer review experience.
Journal information
- Electronic ISSN
- 1432-1955
- Print ISSN
- 0932-0113
- Abstracted and indexed in
- BFI List
- Baidu
- Biological Abstracts
- CAB Abstracts
- Current Contents/Life Sciences
- Dimensions
- EMBiology
- Gale
- Google Scholar
- Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- Medline
- Meta
- Naver
- OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
- Pathway Studio
- Portico
- ProQuest
- Reaxys
- SCImago
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
- TD Net Discovery Service
- UGC-CARE List (India)
- Wanfang
- Zoological Record
- Copyright information