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Phenomics - Recruitment of Youth Editorial Board Members

Phenomics is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly, and interdisciplinary journal, and it is dedicated to publishing the finest articles and communicating scientific process in the field of phenomics.

Currently, Phenomics is providing an exciting opportunity for distinguished young scholars to further disseminate their research as Youth Editorial Board Members, and they are recruited through self-recommendation and selection by the Editorial Board.

A selection assessment of candidates considers their research background, social activity, publication record, professional schedule, etc. The candidate should have a PhD/MD with strong research background related to the scope of Phenomics (

As a Youth Editorial Board Member of Phenomics, you will take the responsibilities for:

  • commissioning manuscripts or special issues;
  • prescreening and peer review of submitted manuscripts;
  • promoting Phenomics in social media and academic events
  • participating or co-hosting Phenomics activities.

If you are interested in this position, please send your academic resume to the editorial office (email: with the subject of "Phenomics Youth Editorial Board Application + Name".
