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  • Call for Papers: Global Frontiers

    GPPG is going to host a new type of article called Global frontiers. With approximately 4,000 to 6,000 words, articles in Global frontiers may discuss any aspects of public policy and governance in a particular country/region or from a comparative perspective. They may be empirical and analytically descriptive, and should contribute to a better understanding of frontier public policy and governance practices in their own right and in broader contexts. Reports on practices that set benchmarks and best examples in the field are especially welcome.

  • Call for Papers: AI and Public Policy: Many Dimensions and Key Challenges

    This special issue explores the multifaceted impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on society. It encompasses technical, ethical, legal, economic, social, and policy perspectives on recent advances in AI. Both theoretical and empirical studies are strongly encouraged, including case analyses of real-world AI deployments and socioeconomic impacts in emerging economies.

    Guest editors:

    Dwayne Woods, Purdue University, USA

    Kyoung-cheol (Casey) Kim, University of Georgia, USA

  • Call for Papers: National Planning Processes: Linking Big Challenges to Public Administration and Governance

    We invite contributions to this Special Issue that informs how efforts in any sector transform aspirations into effective results, identifying and addressing challenges in their consensus-building and implementation. Papers may pay special attention to the institutional arrangements and capacity, leadership, coordination of organizational actors, democratic and other turnover, and the strategic management and implementation of results. 

    Guest editors:

    Evan Berman, Fundação Getúlio Vargas/EAESP (Brazil) & National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), Brazil

    Daniel Guttman, New York University & National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), US

    Fabian Telch, George Mason University, US  

  • Call for Papers: Inclusive Development: China’s Practices and Global Frontiers

    This special issue builds on the presentations in the Roundtable “Inclusive Development: China’s Practices and Global Frontiers” of Shanghai Forum 2023 that is co-organized by the Fudan Institute for Global Public Policy and the LSE Department of International Development. Aiming to develop debates through global and comparative lens, the special issue will explore the roles of emerging economies in contributing to inclusive development, with China and Asia as a major context while engaging perspectives from the Global North and other parts of the world.

    Guest Editors:

    Yu ZHENG, Fudan University, China


    Yijia JING, Fudan University, China

  • Call for Papers: New Frontiers of Theory and Practice in Controlling Corruption

    This special issue is organized by the Institute for Global Public Policy at Fudan University and Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption. It aims to examine new developments in anti-corruption theories and practices. Papers dealing with experiences, lessons, and prospects of fighting corruption in specific nations/regions would fit well. Evidence-based papers investigating the causes, patterns or consequences of corruption are also welcome.

    Guest Editors:

    Ting GONG, Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, China; Department of Public and International Affairs, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

    LAU Chi Ho, Director of Academy Office, ICAC, Hong Kong SAR

  • Call for Papers: New Development Finance in the Global South: Beyond Bretton Woods

    Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) play a vital role in financing infrastructure and advancing sustainable development in the Global South. While there has been considerable scholarly research on the AIIB and NDB, smaller regional institutions in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and how they interact with larger Southern-led development banks have received less attention. Its contribution to greater and more qualified participation of developing countries in the global economy and the global economic governance, however, is less certain. This issue aims to address this gap by bringing together innovative and interdisciplinary research that sheds light on the added value that these banks bring to the global financial architecture.

    Guest Editors

    Alvaro Mendez, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

    Karin Costa Vazquez, O.P. Jindal Global University, India

  • Call for papers: Rethinking China’s Governance Capacity

    This workshop seeks to increase knowledge about the Chinese governance model from the policy implementation perspective. Papers addressing policy implementation processes and capacity building strategies at different jurisdictional levels  are welcome. Papers looking at the central-local nexus in policy implementation would also fit well. There is also room here for contributions that examine particular policy areas with a cross-national comparative perspective.

    The workshop is hosted by Fudan University on its campus on May 27th, 2023


    Prof. XiaoHu Wang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

    Dr. Jingyuan Xu, Fudan University, China

  • Call for Papers: Fiscal Governance and the Covid Pandemic: Impacts, Responses, and Prospects

    This special issue of Global Public Policy and Governance seeks to increase knowledge about the responses of governments facing new reality. Papers addressing fiscal and budgetary impacts in specific nations are welcome. Papers looking at responses across governments would also fit well. There is also room here for contributions that examine more closely particular programmatic areas for pandemic impacts and responses (for example anti-poverty efforts or credit access programs).

    Guest Editors

    Mark Robbins, University of Connecticut, United States,

    Ping Zhang, Fudan University, China,

    Tima Moldogazíev, Pennsylvania State University, United States,

  • Call for Papers: Low Carbon Urban Governance

    This special issue aims to gather contributions that analyse the governance of low carbon transition issues at the local level in different countries. We invite submissions that introduce novel ideas and evidence-based policy recommendations to improve global low carbon transition governance. Interdisciplinary research papers on relevant topics that combine different theoretical and methodological approaches are particularly welcome.

    Guest editor:  

    Prof. Martin de Jong, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

    Dr. Haiyan Lu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

    Dr. Wenting Ma, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

  • Call for Papers: Organisational Justifications in Public Governance

    Formally constituted organisations are core contributors to public governance involving the state, market, and civil society. Their functions and operation are significant in what they do, how they do it, and what they achieve, as supported by the legal instrument by which they are established, accompanied by the source, kind and exercise of their legal powers. Individually and together, they certainly matter in why, when, where, how, and for whom public action is framed, taken, and assessed in the public interest. This special issue with each paper considering semi-autonomous organisations in a selected governmental system will provide a comprehensive basis for detailed comparative insights and understanding.

    Guest editor:  

    Ian THYNNE, Visiting Professor,
    Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong

  • Call for Papers: Global Environmental Governance

    This special issue aims to gather contributions that analyze the governance of global environmental issues at local, national and international levels, with a particular focus on multilevel governance and innovative public policies. We invite submissions that introduce novel ideas and evidence-based policy recommendations to improve global environmental governance. Interdisciplinary research papers on relevant topics that combine different theoretical and methodological approaches are particularly welcomed.

    Guest Editors

    Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira, FGV and Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University

    Haoqi Qian, Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University

  • Call for Papers: the Impact of Digital and AI Transformation on the Delivery of Public Services

    The past decade has seen profound transformations in the nature of public service delivery. The digital and smart revolutions have changed the structure, processes and content of public service delivery. These are being challenged further now by the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on public services. The societal and economic convulsions produced by the COVID-19 pandemic have also increased the impact of these transformations. This special issue is dedicated to exploring these transformations and their impact for theory and practice.

    Guest editors: 

    Stephen Osborne (University of Edinburgh) 

    Maria Cucciniello (University of Edinburgh) 

    Greta Nasi (Bocconi University, Milan) 

    Edwina Zhu (University of Bristol) 

  • Call for Papers: Global Governance of Emerging Technologies

    GPPG will publish a special issue in 2022, to stimulate and engage a scholarly and policy dialogue on various research themes related to global governance of emerging technologies.

    Guest editors:

    Li Tang (Fudan University)

    Cong Cao (University of Nottingham Ningbo)

  • Call for Papers: GPPG Theories, Methods and Cases

    Prof. Yijia Jing, the editor-in-chief of Global Public Policy and Governance (GPPG), will organize a panel with the theme of “Global Public Policy and Governance: Theories, Methods and Cases” (Panel T16P04) at the International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP) in 2021. After the panel discussion, the editorial office of GPPG will invite participants to submit papers for peer review and potential publications in GPPG.

  • Call for Papers: Global Populism and Governance

    As populism evolves in different issue and national contexts, this special issue welcomes conceptual explorations of the varieties of populism, their internal connections, and their connections to other social movements and concepts. Contributors are expected to analyse the causes of the populist movements; their constituencies; institutional opportunities for such movements to emerge; the nature of the demand for and the supply of populist opportunities to achieve power; and the extent to which they differ cross-nationally or are similar.

    Guest editor:

    Bert Rockman (Purdue University)

  • Call for Papers: Global Migration Governance

    We invite contributions to this Special Issue on the subject of the emerging global migration governance and public policy applied to labor migration, from a range of disciplines (law, political science/IR, sociology, political economy, geography, anthropology, development studies), approached by any methodological or analytical perspective.

    Guest editors:

    Nicola Piper (Queen Mary University of London)

    Elspeth Guild (Queen Mary University of London)

  • International Journal Editor Panel

    The panel is organized by Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University, LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy and, School of International Relations & Public Affairs, Fudan University. Registration:
