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Journal of Biosystems Engineering - Quick guide for the payment process after acceptance

As the recent guideline has been updated for the payment process after acceptance, we often get queries related to payment options in the journal.

Journal of Biosystems Engineering supports Open Access publishing, and if the author’s institution has Open Access funding, the APC could be covered by the institution. Also if you would not want to publish your work with Open Access, you could still choose regular publication upon acceptance.

Please follow the visual guidelines below:

When your article is accepted, you will receive an email with a link included to the payment page.

On this page you could search your institution to check if the APC could be fully or partially covered.

After you confirm your institution, if you do not want to publish your article with Open Access, you could simply click the second option and submit.

If you have any further questions about payment process, please contact us at Springer Nature Customer Service (
