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Journal updates

  • Guidance on Use of LLMs (Large Language Models)

    Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not currently satisfy our authorship criteria. Notably an attribution of authorship carries with it accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to LLMs. Use of an LLM should be properly documented in the Methods section (and if a Methods section is not available, in a suitable alternative part) of the manuscript. The best guidance for use of a LLM or AI is to document any contributions to your work in an upfront manner. 

  • New Content Item

    Guest Editors: Holly Brown (; Louis Busch (; Kim Crosland (; Deborah Napolitano (; Tziporah Rosenberg ( Adrienne Jennings ( 

    Inquiries regarding possible submissions should be sent to Deborah Napolitano (

    Behavior and Social Issues (BSI) invites papers for a special section on Interprofessional Collaboration targeted for the Fall 2025 issue.

    Papers may be submitted via the BSI portal no later than December 15, 2024 ( Be sure to indicate the submission is for consideration in the special section on Interprofessional Collaboration.

  • Call for Papers: Human Behavior and Public Health

    Guest Editors: Elizabeth Schieber, PhD (; Jonathan Schulz, PhD, MPH, BCBA-D (; Crystal Slanzi, PhD, BCBA-D (; and Sarah Weinsztok, PhD, BCBA (

    Inquiries regarding possible submissions should be sent to Crystal Slanzi (

    Behavior and Social Issues (BSI) invites papers for a special section on Human Behavior and Public Health targeted for the fall 2024 issue, in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as SDG3 and SDG10.

    To receive consideration, manuscripts must be submitted no later than December 15, 2023

  • Call for Papers: Activism & Advocacy

    As a part of Behaviorists for Social Responsibility’s Matrix Project (see, Behavior and Social Issues is soliciting examples of activism and advocacy work, discussed from a behavior analytic or behavioral systems framework. Such examples may include efforts by behavior analysts, or descriptions of efforts with which behavior analysts are familiar, and which they can discuss from a rigorous behavior science perspective. Submissions of 300-2000 words will be considered for publication in a special, on-going section Activism and Advocacy Notes section. (Longer submissions will be reviewed as regular articles for the journal.) Activism and Advocacy Notes will receive expedited review.

  • Call for Papers: Forum on Diversity and Inclusion in Behavior Analysis

    The emergence in public visibility and vigorous debate of anti-inclusion actions—including but not limited to sexual harassment, sexism, racism, homophobia, prejudice against ethnic and religious minorities, discrimination against differently abled, anti-immigration sentiments—has made it imperative that behavior analysis examine its own diversity-related practices and interventions. In fact, as the recent ABAI statement on this topic indicates, this is an issue that has not escaped our own discipline and cries out for serious examination – and preferably self-examination. Therefore, in this spirit, BSI announces the inauguration of a special, continuing section of the journal titled “Forum on Diversity and Inclusion in Behavior Analysis”.

  • DEADLINE EXTENDED: Call for Papers: Literacy and Social Justice: Contributions of the Science of Behavior to Reading Instruction

    Guest Editors: Denise Ross-Page, Shannon Hammond, Gwendolyn Cartledge, Jane Howard

    Papers may be submitted via the BSI portal ( no later than May 1, 2023. Please indicate that the submission is for consideration in the special section on literacy and social justice. For questions or more information, please contact Shannon Hammond at 

  • Call for Papers: Reducing Poverty and Its Consequences

    Submission Deadline: Jul. 1, 2023

    As one of the most enduring and complex social problems in the world, poverty, and its eradication, must be addressed through a variety of research and practice domains including social, behavioral, and public health perspectives. Our journal is calling for submissions to a multi-journal collection exploring this significant global issue.

  • Call for Papers: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

    The aim of this special section is to publish an interdisciplinary perspective on what this moment for transformation can be if we adopt a systems-level approach to implementing culturally responsive practices that are inclusive, intentional, and evidence-based. We invite authors to contribute their new paradigms for culturally responsive practice that have created systemic and sustainable changes in the lives of young people in their school or community environments. 

    Our goal is to create a special section that offers a set of inclusive culturally aligned practices and serves as a resource for professionals, service providers, and researchers in the field of behavior science and beyond. 

    Guest Editors: Lenwood Gibson, Jr., Temple S. Lovelace, Lefki Kourea
    Submission Deadline: May 1, 2022

  • Call for Papers: The Science of Behavior and Cultural Systems Analysis on the Human Response to Climate Change, Global Warming, and Related Challenges

    Behavior and Social Issues (BSI) invites papers for a special section of the journal to be published in fall 2022 on the science of behavior and cultural systems analysis related to the human response to climate change, global warming, and related challenges. We seek papers including theoretical and conceptual analyses, research articles and brief reports, dialogues, and research reviews.

    Submission Deadline: April 1, 2022
    Guest Editors: Mark Alavosius, Brett Gelino, Cynthia Pietras
