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Call for Papers: Children in times of war

The International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice is seeking proposals for an upcoming special issue on children during times of war. Though children should be protected under in...
Submission status
Open for submission
01 June 2024 - 01 November 2024

Child Wellbeing after Child Welfare System Involvement

A – or perhaps, the— fundamental question about the child welfare system (CWS, and/or child protection system) is, does it help children? Of late, many activists, as well as some scholars and governmental of...
Submission status

Kempe Center: Celebrating 50 years of research

C. Henry Kempe is widely recognized as a pioneer in the field of child abuse and neglect, and is the namesake of the Kempe Center, located at the University of Colorado – Anschutz. For the past 50 years, the...
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Narratives and Narrativity in the Study of Violence

"Power and Abuse", its size and opacity, shame, narrative perspectives, and narrative autonomy, especially the marginalized violence of survivors and its repercussions on language ability. All of these were ...
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Public Health Approaches to Prevent Child Maltreatment

This special issue highlights advances in child maltreatment public health prevention by synthesizing current research and by gleaning new insights in work emerging from within and outside of the field. Its ...
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Race, Ethnicity and Child Maltreatment

The existence of inequity and disproportionality within child welfare systems is well documented on a global scale. Although this is a widely known fact, the discrepancy and disproportionality across races a...
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