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Automotive Innovation - Call for Papers: Feature Topic on Intelligent Transportation Systems

The advent of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) stands as a major breakthrough in contemporary transportation infrastructure. The advancement of cutting-edge ITS, integrating intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs), advanced sensing and communication infrastructure, and cloud devices, has been propelled by rapid developments in perception, mobile communication, high-performance computation, modelling, optimization, and control methodologies and technologies.

Nevertheless, transitioning from traditional transportation systems to ITS presents a formidable set of challenges. These obstacles include: 1) Uneven distribution and insufficient quantity of perception nodes hinder current perception technology’s ability to accurately predict dynamic traffic conditions and precisely identify traffic entities. 2) Critical traffic scenarios like tunnels and complex junctions, coupled with limitations in communication resources, pose challenges for current mobile communication technology in ensuring reliability and optimizing spectrum resource utilization. 3) The presence of mixed traffic comprising ICVs and traditional human-driven vehicles exacerbates the complexity of transportation systems. Traffic modelling methodology struggle to capture the influences of human-vehicle-road interactions and depict traffic dynamics accurately under varying levels of ICV penetration. 4) Conflicting priorities between traffic efficiency and safety, compounded by human behavior uncertainty and unforeseen disturbances, impede the timely generation of dependable decision-making strategies. 5) Unequal levels of intelligence and asymmetric information environments in mixed traffic, along with immature end-edge-cloud cooperative systems, pose challenges to current traffic control methodologies, leading to issues such as inadequate human-vehicle-road coordination and unstable traffic flow patterns.

Therefore, this Feature Topic delves into the multifaceted landscape of ITS, encompassing fundamental theories, innovative methodologies, cortical technologies to address the aforementioned challenges. We hope it can provide insights and solutions to advance the development of dependable and efficient ITS, providing professionals a clear picture of the advances that are to come. Topics of interest include, but are not strictly limited to, the following:

  • Traffic collaborative perception and prediction methodologies and techniques
  • End-edge-cloud communication techniques considering spectrum resources constraints
  • Mixed traffic modelling methodologies under complex environments
  • Decision-making strategies amidst human behavior uncertainty and/or unforeseen disturbances
  • Traffic control methodologies based on human-vehicle-road coordination
  • Traffic flow optimization with integrated ICV behavior modelling
  • Artificial intelligence approaches for enhancing traffic efficiency and safety
  • Sustainable transportation solutions leveraging ITS technologies
  • Interoperability for seamless integration of ITS components
  • ITS innovations to support public transportation systems

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: Oct. 31, 2024

Final Decision Due: Mar. 15, 2025

Final Manuscript Due: Apr. 15, 2025

Guest Editors

  • Professor Yongfu Li, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China
  • Associate Professor Xiaozheng (Sean) He, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA
  • Professor Simone Baldi, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
  • Assistant Professor Michael W Levin, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA
  • Professor Srinivas Peeta, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
  • Assistant Professor Xianbiao Hu, Pennsylvania State University, State College, USA
  • Assistant Professor Hang Zhao, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China

Submission Guidelines

Papers submitted to Automotive Innovation must be written in excellent English, contain original work, and not be published or under review elsewhere. All papers will undergo a peer review process in accordance with the journal's reviewing policy.

Please note the following info while submitting:

  • Please submit online via, be sure to select Topical Collection: Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Papers should be submitted in two separate.doc files: 1) Blinded Manuscript (paper title, abstract, keywords, and full text); 2) Title Page (paper title, author affiliation, acknowledgment, and any other information related to the authors’ identification).
  • If any problems, please feel free to contact the journal editorial office via email:

The editorial process for papers submitted to Feature Topics includes a double-blind review. All submissions are initially evaluated by the associate editors-in-chief for suitability for the journal and the feature topic. If deemed suitable, the manuscript is assigned to at least two expert reviewers who assess its scientific quality and provide a peer-review report. The peer review process is double-blind, meaning that both the author's and reviewer's identities are kept confidential. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final acceptance or rejection decision, which is final. Guest editors are not involved in any decision-making or review processes for manuscripts they are authors or co-authors of. After the Feature Topic is completed, accepted papers will be edited and prepared for publication according to the journal's guidelines. The Feature Topic will be published according to the schedule once all papers are ready.

