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Zeitschrift für Ethik und Moralphilosophie

Journal for Ethics and Moral Philosophy

Publishing model:

Collections and calls for papers

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Call for Proposals - Special Issues and Topical Collections

Zeitschrift für Ethik und Moralphilosophie (ZEMO) – Journal for Ethics and Moral Philosophy is a biannual, peer-reviewed, hybrid journal. While covering all topics within the fields of ethics and moral philo...
Submission status
Submission deadline

Call-for-Papers: Philosphie der Kindheit / Philosophy of Childhood

Was ist eine gute Kindheit? Dieser Schwerpunkt versucht die Frage zu klären, wie sich Konstitutionsmerkmale und Voraussetzungen einer guten Kindheit systematisch bestimmen und begründen lassen und welcher no...
Submission status
Open for submission
01 July 2024 - 30 November 2024

Covid-19 Research in Humanities and Social Sciences

This collection presents Covid-19 related research in the humanities and social sciences. The articles in English and German investigate the effects of the Corona pandemic on society, media and language.
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Both nationally and internationally rightist and leftist populism is a central theme in current political discourse and the study of political science and international relations. This multinational and bili...
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Submission deadline

Special Issue: The ethical limits of biomedical research

Biomedical research encompasses a wide array of research aims and methods, which are morally controversial. Examples include heritable human genome editing, the development of human-animal chimaeras, gain of...
Submission status
Submission deadline
31 July 2024

Supererogation: Feministische Perspektiven

In unserer moralischen Praxis werden manche Handlungen als moralisch wertvoll, aber dennoch nicht geboten betrachtet. Für solche Handlungen hat J.O. Urmson in seinem Aufsatz „Saints and Heroes“ (1958) den s...
Submission status
