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Journal of Flow Chemistry

Journal of the Flow Chemistry Society

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Journal of Flow Chemistry - Special Issue on Teaching Flow Chemistry

As the breadth of the flow chemistry expands, so does the need to consider how we educate current and future scientists to the principles and prospects that "flow" offers. Flow chemistry has always naturally blended aspects of chemistry and engineering, and presents unique challenges and opportunities for education. How is flow chemistry implemented in undergraduate or graduate curricula across the world, and how do these programs differ based on which type of scientist is being taught? What are the common techniques that best illustrate flow, and how do we mitigate against the perceived cost of flow chemistry? Can we use innovative lab experiments to reach out to younger scientists early in their education? What strategies are useful for educating established researchers and which may be more suited to undergraduate or student groups? How can the community augment the communication between chemists and engineers? Such issues are likely prevalent in both academic and industrial environments. As specific programs and centers for flow chemistry have multiplied across the world in the past decade, how have they impacted the training of scientists?



Steven D. R. Christie, Shawn K. Collins

Meet the flow chemists Prof. Steve Christie and Prof. Shawn Collins
Timothy Noël


Flow chemistry experiments in the undergraduate teaching laboratory: synthesis of diazo dyes and disulfides  Open Access
Koen P. L. Kuijpers, Wilko M. A. Weggemans, C. Jan A. Verwijlen, Timothy Noël

Implementing flow chemistry in education: the NSERC CREATE program in continuous flow science
Vanessa Kairouz, André B. Charette, Shawn K. Collins


Extending practical flow chemistry into the undergraduate curriculum via the use of a portable low-cost 3D printed continuous flow system    Open Access
Matthew R. Penny, Natalie Tsui, Stephen T. Hilton


A practical experiment to teach students continuous flow and physico-chemical methods: acetylation of ethylene diamine in liquid bi-phase   Open Access
Mary Bayana, A. John Blacker, Adam D. Clayton, Katherine E. Jolley, Ricardo Labes, Connor J. Taylor, William Reynolds

Catalytic ketonization of propionic acid. Green chemistry in practice
Urszula Ulkowska, Marek Gliński

Original Research

An open source toolkit for 3D printed fluidics  Open Access
Adam J. N. Price, Andrew J. Capel, Robert J. Lee, Patrick Pradel, Steven D. R. Christie

«Catalysis: a unified approach»: a new course in catalysis science and technology
Mario Pagliaro


Optimization of continuous-flow diphenyldiazomethane synthesis: an integrated undergraduate chemistry experiment   Open Access
Luuk T. C. G. Summeren, Jan Gerretzen, Floris P. J. T. Rutjes, Tom G. Bloemberg


Future medicinal chemists experience flow chemistry: optimization by experimental design of the limiting synthetic step to the antifungal drug econazole nitrate
Bruno Cerra, Antimo Gioiello


Flow chemistry for process optimisation using design of experiments Open Access
Connor J. Taylor, Alastair Baker, Michael R. Chapman, William R. Reynolds, Katherine E. Jolley, Graeme Clemens, Gill E. Smith, A. John Blacker, Thomas W. Chamberlain, Steven D. R. Christie, Brian A. Taylor, Richard A. Bourne
