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Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing - In the News

Research published in the Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing often reverberates beyond academic readerships, making waves (and headlines) in the mainstream media (as well as social media), where its data-driven insights are applied to real-world situations. 

Article in WIRED on Evidence-Based Policing
"The radical idea to reduce crime by policing less, not more"

Interview with Dr. Lawrence Sherman in Academic Influence
"How Big Data improves police effectiveness"

Research study from Sumit Kumar, Lawrence W. Sherman and Heather Strang, "Racial Disparities in Homicide Victimisation Rates: How to Improve Transparency by the Office of National Statistics in England and Wales" has been featured in multiple news reports.

Murder risk in England and Wales much higher for black people in the Guardian

Researchers are calling on police forces to re-examine crime data to help improve policing measures in Sky News

Black people have been five-and-a-half times more likely to be killed in a homicide than white people in England and Wales this century, research shows in Daily Mail

Risk of murder is dramatically higher for black people than other ethnicities in England and Wales, study says in iNews. 
