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Nanomanufacturing and Metrology
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Nanomanufacturing and Metrology - The 3rd ISNM Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing

The 3rd ISNM Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing was successfully held in Dalian, China on May 14th 2023. The symposium was sponsored by ISNM and jointly hosted by Dalian University of Technology and Tsinghua University.

The symposium was chaired by Professor Jining Sun from Dalian University of Technology, and co-chaired by Associate Professor Xinghui Li from Tsinghua University. With the theme of "Micro, Nano, Atomic, and Close to atomic Scale Manufacturing", this symposium was focused on the latest developments in advanced manufacturing technologies, with fabrication capabilities crossed from atomic to micro scales, gathering young scientists from both fundamental and applied interdisciplinary research communities. In line with the theme of the symposium, participants also engaged in a roundtable forum and conducted in-depth discussions on the current status and challenges in the field of micro, nano, atomic and near-atomic scale manufacturing.

The symposium attracted more than 100 participants from over 30 international renowned research institutes. As one of the series events organized by ISNM Young Scientists Committee, this was the first event after the pandemic. The successful convening of this symposium has received extensive attention from both academia and industry.

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