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Computing and Software for Big Science
Publishing model:
Open access

Journal updates

  • Computing and Software for Big Science is now fully open access!

    We are excited to announce that Computing and Software for Big Science has now become a fully open access (OA) journal as of January 2023. This means that we are no longer accepting non-OA articles for submission. All new content published in the journal will be published under an open access licence, and freely available to readers worldwide, enabling the widest possible dissemination and reuse. 

  • Editorial policy on peer-reviewing for guest-edited topical collections

    Computing and Software for Big Science welcomes proposals for guest-edited topical collections. Prospective guest editors should be aware that all papers submitted to topical collections will undergo the same peer-reviewing procedure than regular papers, with a final decision taken by the Editor(s)-in-Chief.
    Proposals should always be sent to the Editors-in-Chief jointly. 
