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Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science - Introduction to the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International (JRSAI)


The society was established as The Japan Society for Regional Science (JSRS) on 17th June, 1962, and formally registered with The Science Council of Japan. It was started as a section of The Regional Science Association (RSA), which is the predecessor to The Regional Science Association International (RSAI). For this reason JSRS is commonly called The Japan Section of The Regional Science Association International (JSRSAI) as it emphasizes international linkages to the global platform of RSAI for scholars specializing in regional science and related disciplines. This was, and still is unique to JSRSAI in academia in Japan.

 JSRSAI started its international activities by organizing The Far East Conference (FEC) in 1963, 1965, and 1967 in Tokyo. In 1968, FEC was succeeded by The Pacific Regional Science Conference (PRSC), which would be cooperatively administered by the auspices of JSRSAI and The Western Regional Science Association (WRSA). The first PRSC was held in 1969 in Hawaii, and continued biennially till 1983 by rotating the host country/section among countries/sections in the Pacific Rim Area.

 The Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) was founded by JSRSAI and WRSA in 1983 as a federation of sections/associations of regional science established in the Pacific Rim Area and FEC continued in the form of a biennial major international meeting of PRSCO.

 In 1989, RSA was reorganized into RSAI and PRSCO became incorporated under the new RSAI Constitution as an autonomous super-regional organization, with exclusive commission and responsibility for activities such as international regional science meetings and organization of RSAI sections in the Pacific Rim Area.

JSRSAI is now globally recognized as one of most active RSAI sections in the regional science community, especially as a pivotal section of PRSCO


To cite ‘Chart of JSRSAI’ at the time of founding:

We should be eying recent rapid economic growth in Japan with great astonishment and should not take it lightly that regional disparities still exist and are being enhanced by such rapid economic growth. We desire balanced development of the Japanese economy and nobody is against studying regions and society for planning and designing effective measures and policies to induce and promote balanced development. Of course, studies on regions and society already exist. Considerable achievements have been made by capable experts in their own fields. Theoretical and practical measures and policies against real issues raised in regional settings have been examined. However, we dare to say that measures and policies proposed are ad hoc. We persuade ourselves that it is high time to incorporate capable scholars from wide ranges of fields including economic theory, transportation theory, urban planning, location theory, geography, civil engineering, etc. to establish disciplines for comprehensive studies on regions and society. This is the only effective way to enhance disciplines dramatically related to the existing fields.

Observing circumstances abroad, study of regions and society have already been established as a discipline entitled regional science in the United States and European Countries. In those countries, associations of regional science have been established and work together carrying out international activities in cooperation with RSA.

We invite all capable discerning persons throughout Japan to join the Japan Society for Regional Science, which daringly doubles as the Japan Section of RSA to reflect these objectives abroad

(Higano Y. (2020) Genpachiro Konno (1906–1996), Yasuhiko Oishi (1922–2014), and Hirotada Kohno (1932–): The Three Great Fathers of Japanese Regional Science. In: Batey P., Plane D. (eds) Great Minds in Regional Science. Footprints of Regional Science. Springer, Cham.

Since the foundation, regional science in Japan has developed in a coordinated way leading by the following research groups, which are a unique and strong point of JSRSAI:

  1.  Conventional economic theory-oriented group
  2. Planning- and policy-oriented group
  3. Quantitative analytical methodology-oriented group
  4. Institutional analysis oriented-group   

JSRSAI accepts research from diversified points of view and welcomes multidirectional approaches.

Management and Membership 

JSRSAI is administered by a Board of Directors, to which members are elected from among the members of JSRSAI through approval of the General Assembly Meeting. The chairperson of the Board Meeting is the President, who is elected from among members of the board and represents JSRSAI. Executive Directors, who are elected from among members of the board, implement daily business matters following the decision by the board.
See also :

Any scholars and graduate students who specialize in regional science and related fields can, through an examination of their qualification, be admitted as members. Scholars living outside Japan may be members of JSRSAI provided that they live in the country where an RSAI section is NOT yet established. Students may receive discounts on their membership fees following a prescribed procedure. Admission of members shall be approved by the board after an examination of relevant qualifications.

Learn more about JSRSAI membership here.

For more in-depth information, e.g. on the annual meetings, publications and policies please visit the JSRSAI website.
