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Journal of Applied and Computational Topology - Proceedings for the 10th ATMCS (The Algebraic Topology: Methods, Computation, and Science)

Guest Editor: Ulrike Tillmann (University of Oxford, UK), e-mail:
APCT Editor: Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford University, USA)

The Algebraic Topology: Methods, Computation, and Science (ATMCS) conference series is the primary series of conferences in applied topology, a field that has seen rapid growth over the last 20 years. It is unique in its outlook and emphasis on the theoretical foundations thus taking the difficult but crucial position of bridging the work of pure and applied mathematicians and computer scientists. Because of this special position in the conference landscape, it is now linked to the Journal of Applied and Computational Topology (APCT) with this special issue forming the first volume of proceedings for the 10th ATMCS to be held in Oxford, June 2022.

In the last 20 years applied algebraic topology has grown from a relative cottage industry to a  major subject much due to the successes and interest in Topological Data Analysis and persistent homology in particular. The ATMCS10 will cover computational aspects, application as well as important theoretical developments. Among others, it will include the following topics:

  1. Multiparameter persistent homology
  2. Directed topology
  3. Stochastic topology
  4. Inverse problems
  5. Algorithm and software development
  6. TDA in machin learning
  7. Applications of TDA

All those contributing to the conference will be invited to submit research and survey papers. All submissions will undergo a full refereeing process.

Deadline : September 30, 2022 (Submission to this proceedings is by invitation only.)

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the submission guidelines of the journal.

All papers must be submitted to the journal's submission system. During the submission stage, please select "Yes" for the question "Does this manuscript belong to a special feature?" in Additional Information tab, then select a special feature "S.I. : ATMCS 2022".
