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Journal of Human Rights and Social Work - Guidelines for Special Issue Proposals

Special Issue: Types and Requirements

Proposals must include the following elements. Manuscripts may be invited or received through a general call for papers, or a mix of both. Regardless of method, all articles must be submitted to peer-review.

  • Suggested title
  • Background and Rationale for the theme of the special issue
  • Brief summary of current scholarship in the area justifying Special Issue
  • Guest editor’s background relevant to the proposal, affiliation, contact details and a current C.V.
  • List of any invited contributors, their relation to the theme, and 200-250 word abstract for each manuscript
  • A copy of the Call for Papers and a list of marketing venues (e.g., listservs, professional organizations, etc...), if applicable
  • List of at least four experts who might be able to review manuscripts for the special issue 

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Fit with the JHRSW aims and scope (see
  • Quality and thoroughness of the formal proposal
  • Appeal to a broad and international segment of JHRSW readership
  • Scholarly credentials of the proposed Guest Editor(s)
    • For SI proposals with a General Call (#2 above): proposed ability to attract high-quality submissions from influential scholars who are experts in the predetermined theme. If applicable, scholarly credentials of authors and quality of invited manuscripts.

If accepted, the Guest Editor(s) prepares an introduction/editorial that reviews the significance of attention to the topic of the Special Issue, suggests new directions for research, and provides a synopsis and integrative analysis of the collective contributions of manuscripts within the Special Issue. The editorial will go through a review process managed by the Editor-in-Chiefs. The Guest Editor(s) may not themselves submit to the special issue as this would violate blind peer-review procedures.

The co-editors may reject a special issue manuscript if members of the editorial board deem it inappropriate for the journal or not in accordance with the standards of the journal; the manuscripts are not prepared in accordance with the instructions; copyright agreements signed by all authors are not submitted; the issue is submitted beyond the agreed upon deadline for successful production and publication.

Special Issue proposals should be sent to and
