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Topics in Current Chemistry - Congratulations "Women In Supramolecular Chemistry"

The international network Women in Supramolecular Chemistry was founded with the aim to create "a sense of kinship and providing support for women". 

Therefore, WISC offers a subject specific mentoring program and training to make resources available to women and other marginalised groups as well as their allies. 

Further they are doing  networking events as well as webinars to connect the community with the aim to find new solutions for issues and needs within the community.

You can find out more about the brilliant network and their amazing work her:

Congratulations on winning this years Hildegard-Hamm-BrĂ¼cher-Award for Equal Opportunities* WISC team. The team around junior professor Dr. Anna McConnell received the award on September 4th at the opening event of the GDCh Science Forum (WiFo) chemistry in Leipzig.

*"With the Hildegard Hamm-BrĂ¼cher Prize for Equal Opportunities in Chemistry, the GDCh honors exemplary behavior in promoting more equal opportunities in chemistry. Individuals, teams, groups or organizations who are committed to or have committed themselves to equal opportunities with innovative projects are to be recognized."

