Volumes and issues
Volume 76 December 2024
Volume 75 December 2023
Volume 74 December 2022
Volume 73 December 2021
Volume 72 December 2020
Volume 71 December 2019
Volume 70 December 2018
Volume 69 December 2017
Volume 68 December 2016
Volume 67 December 2015
Volume 66 December 2014
Volume 65 January - December 2013
- December 2013, issue 12
November 2013, issue 11
Swarm Science Data Processing and Products
October 2013, issue 10
Cosmic Dust V
- September 2013, issue 9
- August 2013, issue 8
- July 2013, issue 7
June 2013, issue 6
Shinmoe-dake Eruption in 2011—An Example of Less-Frequent Magmatic Activity
May 2013, issue 5
Physical Processes in Non-Uniform Finite Magnetospheric Systems—50 Years of Tamao's Resonant Mode Coupling Theory
- April 2013, issue 4
March 2013, issue 3
Cosmic Dust: Its Formation and Evolution (III)
- February 2013, issue 2
- January 2013, issue 1
Volume 64 January - December 2012
December 2012, issue 12
The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- November 2012, issue 11
October 2012, issue 10
Tsunami: Science, Technology, and Disaster Mitigation
- September 2012, issue 9
August 2012, issue 8
Earthquake Forecast Testing Experiment in Japan (II)
- July 2012, issue 7
June 2012, issue 6
International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) (II)
- May 2012, issue 5
- April 2012, issue 4
- March 2012, issue 3
February 2012, issue 2
Comparative Studies of the Plasma at Non-magnetized Planets/Moons
- January 2012, issue 1
December 2012, issue 12
Volume 63 January - December 2011
- December 2011, issue 12
- November 2011, issue 11
October 2011, issue 10
Cosmic Dust: Its Formation and Evolution (II)
- September 2011, issue 9
- August 2011, issue 8
July 2011, issue 7
First Results of the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- June 2011, issue 6
- May 2011, issue 5
April 2011, issue 4
International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) (II)
March 2011, issue 3
Earthquake Forecast Testing Experiment in Japan (II)
- February 2011, issue 2
January 2011, issue 1
New Results of Lunar Science with KAGUYA (SELENE)
Volume 62 January - December 2010
- December 2010, issue 12
- November 2010, issue 11
October 2010, issue 10
International Geomagnetic Reference Field — The Eleventh Generation
- September 2010, issue 9
- August 2010, issue 8
- July 2010, issue 7
- June 2010, issue 6
- May 2010, issue 5
- April 2010, issue 4
- March 2010, issue 3
February 2010, issue 2
High Energy Earth Science: Muon and Neutrino Radiography
January 2010, issue 1
Cosmic Dust: Its Formation and Evolution
Volume 61 January - December 2009
- December 2009, issue 12
- November 2009, issue 11
- October 2009, issue 10
- September 2009, issue 9
- August 2009, issue 8
- July 2009, issue 7
- June 2009, issue 6
May 2009, issue 5
Special Issue: Flare-Substorm/Space Weather Topics
April 2009, issue 4
Special Issue: Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere (CPEA)
- March 2009, issue 3
- February 2009, issue 2
January 2009, issue 1
Special Issue: Magnetism of Volcanic Materials-Tribute to Works of Michel Prévot
Volume 60 January - December 2008
- December 2008, issue 12
November 2008, issue 11
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2007 Chuetsu-oki, Niigata, Japan, Earthquake
October 2008, issue 10
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake (2)
- September 2008, issue 9
- August 2008, issue 8
- July 2008, issue 7
- June 2008, issue 6
May 2008, issue 5
Special Issue: Geohazards and the Role of Space-Born Observations
April 2008, issue 4
Special Issue: Lunar Science with the SELENE “Kaguya” Mission-Prelaunch Studies-
- March 2008, issue 3
February 2008, issue 2
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake (1)
January 2008, issue 1
Special Issue: Itokawa-Hayabusa and beyond
Volume 59 January - December 2007
- December 2007, issue 12
- November 2007, issue 11
- October 2007, issue 10
- September 2007, issue 9
- August 2007, issue 8
July 2007, issue 7
Special Issue: Perspectives of Geomagnetism: Geodynamo, Paleomagnetism, and Rock magnetism—Tribute to Prof. Masaru Kono
- June 2007, issue 6
- May 2007, issue 5
- April 2007, issue 4
- March 2007, issue 3
- February 2007, issue 2
- January 2007, issue 1
Volume 58 January - December 2006
- December 2006, issue 12
- November 2006, issue 11
October 2006, issue 10
Special Issue: Paleomagnetism and Tectonics in Latinamerica
September 2006, issue 9
Special Issue: International Sessions of Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting 2005
- August 2006, issue 8
- July 2006, issue 7
June 2006, issue 6
Special Issue: Ground Magnetic Observations: New technologies and the role in understanding the Earth System
- May 2006, issue 5
April 2006, issue 4
Special Issue: Swarm—The Earth’s Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers
- March 2006, issue 3
February 2006, issue 2
Special Issue: The 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami
January 2006, issue 1
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2005 West Off Fukuoka Prefecture Earthquake (1)
Volume 57 January - December 2005
December 2005, issue 12
Special Issue: Modelling the Earth’s Magnetic Field: the 10th Generation IGRF
- November 2005, issue 11
October 2005, issue 10
Special Issue: Slow Slip Events at Plate Subduction Zones
- September 2005, issue 9
August 2005, issue 8
Special Issue: Applications and Interpretation of Modern Magnetic Surveys
- July 2005, issue 7
June 2005, issue 6
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (2)
May 2005, issue 5
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (1)
April 2005, issue 4
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes (2)
March 2005, issue 3
Special Issue: Special Section for the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquakes (1)
- February 2005, issue 2
- January 2005, issue 1
December 2005, issue 12
Volume 56 January - December 2004
December 2004, issue 12
Special Issue: Slip and Flow Processes in and below the Seismogenic Region (2)
- November 2004, issue 11
- October 2004, issue 10
- September 2004, issue 9
August 2004, issue 8
Special Issue: IUGG Hagiwara Symposium
- July 2004, issue 7
- June 2004, issue 6
- May 2004, issue 5
- April 2004, issue 4
March 2004, issue 3
Special Issue: Special section for the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake
February 2004, issue 2
Special Issue: Special section for IUGG workshop: Lithospheric Structure of a Supercontinent:Gondwana
- January 2004, issue 1
December 2004, issue 12
Volume 55 January - December 2003
Volume 54 January - December 2002
- December 2002, issue 12
November 2002, issue 11
Special Issue: Slip and Flow Processes in and below the Seismogenic Region
- October 2002, issue 10
- September 2002, issue 9
August 2002, issue 8
Special Issue: The 2000 western Tottori earthquake
- July 2002, issue 7
- June 2002, issue 6
May 2002, issue 5
Special Issue: Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth
- April 2002, issue 4
March 2002, issue 3
Special Issue: Satsuma-Iwojima: Continuous degassing of a rhyolitic volcano
- February 2002, issue 2
- January 2002, issue 1
Volume 53 January - December 2001
- December 2001, issue 12
November 2001, issue 11
Special Issue: Asteroidal Surfaces and Genesis of Meteorites
- October 2001, issue 10
- September 2001, issue 9
- August 2001, issue 8
- July 2001, issue 7
June 2001, issue 6
Special Issue: Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas
- May 2001, issue 5
April 2001, issue 4
Special Issue: Great Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- March 2001, issue 3
- February 2001, issue 2
- January 2001, issue 1
Volume 52 January - December 2000
December 2000, issue 12
Special Issue: Geomagnetic Field Modelling and IGRF 2000
November 2000, issue 11
Special Issue: Application of GPS and other space geodetic techniques to Earth Sciences (2)
October 2000, issue 10
Special Issue: Application of GPS and other space geodetic techniques to Earth Sciences (1)
- September 2000, issue 9
- August 2000, issue 8
- July 2000, issue 7
- June 2000, issue 6
- May 2000, issue 5
- April 2000, issue 4
- March 2000, issue 3
- February 2000, issue 2
- January 2000, issue 1
December 2000, issue 12
Volume 51 January - December 1999
- December 1999, issue 12
November 1999, issue 11
Special Issue: Asteroids, Dust, and Ring Particles
October 1999, issue 10
Special Issue: Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth
- September 1999, issue 9
July 1999, issue 7-8
Special Issue: Dynamics and Structure of the Mesopause Region (DYSMER)
- June 1999, issue 6
- May 1999, issue 5
- April 1999, issue 4
- March 1999, issue 3
- February 1999, issue 2
- January 1999, issue 1
Volume 50 January - November 1998
November 1998, issue 11-12
Special Issue: Ocean Hemisphere network Project (OHP)
- October 1998, issue 10
- September 1998, issue 9
- August 1998, issue 8
June 1998, issue 6-7
Special Issue: The Zodiacal Cloud Sciences
- May 1998, issue 5
- April 1998, issue 4
March 1998, issue 3
Special Issue: The PLANET-B Misson and Related Science
- February 1998, issue 2
- January 1998, issue 1
November 1998, issue 11-12