Skeletal effects of estrogens G. FiorelliMaria Luisa Brandi OriginalPaper 11 March 2014 Pages: 589 - 593
Estrogen receptor and the SERM concept George G. J. M. KuiperG.-J.C.M. van den BemdJ. P. T. M. van Leeuwen OriginalPaper 11 March 2014 Pages: 594 - 603
Treatment induced changes of bone density and relative risk of vertebral fracture Silvano AdamiO. ViapianaF. Corallo OriginalPaper 11 March 2014 Pages: 609 - 615
Postmenopausal hormone therapy, SERMs, and coronary heart disease in women Nanette K. WengerD. Grady OriginalPaper 11 March 2014 Pages: 616 - 624
Effect of SERMs on the uterus and menopausal symptoms Martina Dören OriginalPaper 11 March 2014 Pages: 625 - 635
The role of SERMs in the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis Juliet Compston OriginalPaper 11 March 2014 Pages: 646 - 652